Solar energy support trending upward to nearly 80 percent of Americans, according to a new report from Navigant Research. The company has been tracking the information since 2009 to deduce public perceptions of energy and environmental concepts.

“Solar energy is one of the most popular and least controversial green technologies in the eyes of consumers,” said Clint Wheelock, managing director with Navigant Research. “But it is followed closely by wind energy, which gained a favorable response from 72 percent of Americans.”

The survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults was conducted in the fall of 2013, asking respondents to provide their level of favorability for key concepts: solar energy, wind energy, nuclear power, hybrid vehicles, electric cars, natural gas vehicles, biofuels, smart grid, smart meters, and LEED certification.

Between 2009 and 2012, there were steady declines in favorability for some concepts, but according to the most recent consumer survey from Navigant Research, consumer favorability for a number of these concepts has rebounded.

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