The G71P gas furnace uses innovative Precise Comfort™ technology to consistently deliver the right amount of airflow and heat, regardless of the weather outside. It has an energy rating of 95 percent AFUE for every model in every operating position (four ways). Silent Comfort™ technology allows the furnace to constantly monitor and automatically adjust fan speed, heat, and airflow demands to match the homeowner’s needs, quietly and without wasting energy. Output will automatically vary from 40-100 percent, in increments as small as 1 percent. Working with the Silent Comfort technology, the furnace’s AirFlex™ technology allows the contractor the ability to easily adjust heating, cooling, and fan-on settings best suited to customers’ lifestyles, home designs, and geographic locations. A setting can be chosen that increases airflow during fan-on operation to compensate for cathedral ceilings or long duct runs, or decreases it to minimize off-cycle rehumidification in more humid climates. The furnace will communicate with the Harmony III™ zoning system, providing its precise comfort control in up to four zoned areas of a home. It uses a direct numerical readout LED to provide operation condition, system mode and system diagnostics, with a nonvolatile memory capable of storing up to 10 codes in order of occurrence. It will also give the flame rod voltage without a meter.
Lennox Industries Inc., Dallas; 800-953-6669; www.lennox.com
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