SEATTLE Business Development Resources (BDR) will be providing insight and proven strategies to contractors, service leaders, and distributors in a brand new format after announcing the launch of their new Prime Partners podcast.

Hosted by BDR Director of Training Matt MacArthur, Prime Partners will deliver information on services, resources, and best business practices to help home service business partners succeed faster.

“At BDR, we are dedicated to providing top-notch business training and coaching to contractors and distributors,” MacArthur said. “But we realize there are many amazing companies that have a similar goal of helping owners build a successful home service business. Whether they are masters of marketing, rulers of recruiting, or tycoons of training, we want to highlight those ‘prime partners’ in the industry and give contractors and distributors access to resources that will drive their business forward.”

Staying true to their goal, the first episode of Prime Partners outlines the growth that takes place in a coaching relationship, and how a business coach can provide a long-term vision for owners in achieving their business and personal goals. The episode features BDR Director of Dealer Recruitment Matt Baker.

New episodes of the Prime Partners podcast will release every other month and are available on all major podcast streaming services. Upcoming episode topics include:

  • Maximizing your website’s potential
  • Understanding options for financing business growth
  • Building a training journey for your employees
  • Using training to enhance dealer growth and loyalty

“This podcast is all about providing essential information to our audience to help them build on their success and continue growing their business,” MacArthur said. “Listeners will gain access to in-depth discussions on topics that can help them achieve long-term success by maximizing the potential of the company.”