AUSTIN, Texas — Allure Energy Inc. has announced a new product, EverSense™, a thermostat replacement that the company calls a home environment and energy management product, featuring its patented Proximity Control technology as well as the capability to provide energy saving video tips and weather updates.

EverSense is said to be a thermostat replacement technology that brings a multimedia experience to the HVAC residential market. It will be available in early 2012. With the processing power of a tablet PC, and proximity control via Allure Mobile, the company says that EverSense eliminates the need for consumers to pay a monthly fee or experience long delays in adjusting their home comfort level. Consumers will be able to have their home environment managed automatically, saving on energy costs.

“We have found that consumers desire value-added technology that fits within their normal daily life,” said Kevin Imes, CEO of Allure Energy. “With EverSense, we are breaking the mold of conventional thermostat thinking. EverSense is a platform that will allow consumers to obtain valuable energy saving tips and content at the point at which they are making their largest energy purchasing decision. With the added benefits of proximity control, streaming music, video playback, and photo viewing, EverSense is delivering an experience that aligns with smartphone and tablet user trends.”

“The look and feel of EverSense is stunning,” said Jim Mills, vice president of business development for Allure Energy. “Our team of talented industrial and software designers created a work of art for the home. Every detail of a user’s experience has been taken into account, from the look of the product to the user’s touch screen interaction at the unit. Best of all, a portable countertop model will be available that allows music to be streamed anywhere in the home and full control of all other EverSense units that replace legacy thermostats throughout the home. With built-in Wi-Fi, stereo speakers, and a capacitive touch screen, EverSense provides for an unparalleled user experience.”

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Publication date: 01/30/2012