COMPANY:Hallowell International, Bangor, Maine

INSTALLATION:Six Acadia systems


CUSTOMER:Bangor Hydro Electric Co., Bangor, Maine

OBJECTIVE:Achieve LEED certification while simultaneously setting a high standard of energy responsibility in the community.

DESCRIPTION:Bangor Hydro Electric Co., an electric utility serving 192,000 residents across 5,275 square miles in eastern and coastal Maine, renovated a cutting edge, energy efficient new corporate office. Renovations to the circa 1987 building were extensive and included the transition from a propane-fueled furnace to the installation of six Acadia systems to deliver energy-efficient, electric-based heating and cooling. The company conducted an organizational audit, looking at and analyzing every green possibility. As a model to the community, the utility sought an energy-efficient alternative system to heat and cool the new building and decided on the Acadia for its cost savings, energy efficiencies, and non-reliance on fossil fuels. “This renovation is consistent with our overall mission to be an energy solutions leader and the Acadia fits in perfectly,” said Robert Hanf, president and COO of Bangor Hydro Electric Co. “We are eager to showcase the Acadia system to the public as an example of how efficiently electricity can be used to heat and cool homes and businesses.”

“This renovation is consistent with our overall mission to be an energy solutions leader and the Acadia fits in perfectly.”
- Robert Hanf, president and COO of Bangor Hydro Electric Co.

Publication date:06/01/2009