The first disc of Technical Institute HVAC/R Training Manual 3 Interactive CD-ROM program has been released. Technical Institute HVAC/R Training Manual 3 begins with instruction of heat pump theory, including information about water-source heat pumps. Topics covered include computer room environmental control; economizers, fans, and blowers; air filtration and distribution; evaporative condensers and cooling towers; water treatment; multiple rack systems; hydronics; troubleshooting; controls and controls components; pneumatic relays; typical control applications; and control maintenance. According to the association, training manuals 1 to 3 provide a comprehensive course of study for those RSES members wanting to obtain Certificate Member (CM) status.

Refrigeration Service Engineers Society, 1666 Rand Rd., Des Plaines, IL 60016; 800-297-5660; 847-297-5038 (fax);;

eProduct #184