MailShelter incorporates a “glove box” design, attached to an airborne particulate collector, to isolate a mail handler from harmful airborne particulate while processing the mail. The system maintains negative pressure in the “glove box” through the entire process. The filter bank in the system is outfitted with an AmericanAir-Filter® PerfectPleat® Premium HM prefilter and a tested and certified American-AirFilter® AstroCel® I HEPA final filter. This filter combination is greater than 99.99% effective in capturing airborne particles from 1 to 5 microns, says the company. Systems can be sized to fit for most mail-handling applications, the manufacturer says. Standard models operate using 15-A, 120-V outlets.

AAF International, P.O. Box 35690, Louisville, KY 40232-5690; 502-637-0011; (website).

eProduct #185