The Business Analytics software is designed to allow the company's customers to extract up-to-the-minute, detailed business intelligence information, which then can be used for budgeting, forecasting, and other business analysis purposes, says the company. Business Analytics gives users the ability to extract virtually any report or data combination from their version of the company's system. Several common reporting templates are included as standard with the program. Additional customization is available for more specialized reporting. The PowerOLAP® technology is designed to deliver a business' data directly to Microsoft® Excel or the Web add-on client. According to the company, the program establishes faster budgeting cycles, dynamic report building, and advanced analytics through multidimensional views of a business' structure and performance.

WennSoft, 5355 South Moorland Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151-1187; 262-821-4100 or 262-317-3700; 262-821-3838 (fax);;

eProduct #196