Improvements have been made to the three high-efficiency media air cleaners - Models DB-25-20, DB 20-20, and DB-25-16. One modification elevates the air cleaners' outward appearance, the second maximizes their ease and speed of installation. The tough, injection-molded thermoplastic door replaces the former galvanized steel door. The door snaps on and off easily, yet fits snugly, according to the company. For easier, faster installation, the frames of all three air cleaner models have pre-punched access and drill holes. Placement of the holes allows the frames to be turned for best fit. Built into the door assembly, the six-month reminder dial prompts homeowners that it's time to check the filter media for possible replacement. If the filter is not ready to be changed, the dial can be moved ahead one or two months. The media air cleaner utilizes a deep-pleated MERV 8 filter media.

Skuttle Indoor Air Quality Products, 101 Margaret St., Marietta, OH 45750; 740-373-9169 or 888-758-8853; 740-373-9565 (fax);;

eProduct 191

Publication date: 11/27/2006