ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has announced that the month of October is Heat the Country Month. During this time, ACCA chapters and members around the country fan out to service or replace heating systems in the homes of the elderly, disabled, or less fortunate.

The ACCA chapters work with public and private social service organizations to identify families who need help. Each chapter takes its own approach to the effort.

“We did our very first ‘Heat the Town’ in 1991, and came to the realization that this project would have a resounding effect on the North Texas community and the NTACCA family,” said Ann Kahn of Kahn Mechanical Contractors in Dallas. “After 19 years, it continues to bring us together to serve elderly/disabled, low income homeowners and has expanded to include summer cooling services as well as meeting special needs when they arise. Our mission has become well known and agencies and individuals contact our non-profit Community Services Foundation office for help. All in all, it has been a win/win situation for everyone.”

“No matter how many years a contractor or supplier has volunteered, it is an emotional sight when you arrive at the ‘Heat the Town’ kickoff location and witness a sea of contractor trucks,” said Betty Clark, executive director of ACCA Central Ohio. “To me it’s just amazing … 364 days they are competitors, but on this one day, they all join together for a common cause. On this day we enter a stranger’s home to help them stay warm in the winter; and when we leave, the tears in their eyes or the smiles on their faces warm our hearts.”

For more information about Heat the Country, visit or contact Kimya Cajchun at or 703-824-8845.

Publication date:09/27/2010