The Model MSX make-up air unit incorporates a modular design concept that allows each unit to be customized for its application. Featuring double-wall cabinet construction and large access panels for ease of inspection and maintenance, the units are factory-assembled and -wired to minimize field installation labor. In addition to 100 percent outdoor air operation, variable volume and recirculation configurations are available. Airflow volumes range from 800 to 48,000 cfm. Heating options include steam, hot water, or electric. Cooling options include evaporative cooling up to 45,000 cfm, and chilled water or direct expansion (DX) up to 11,000 cfm.

Greenheck, P.O. Box 410, Schofield, WI 54476-0410; 715-359-6171, 715-355-2399 (fax);

eProduct 187