WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that it will provide $850,000 to support the Securing a Clean Energy Future Initiative, an effort of the National Governors Association (NGA) to establish state-level energy policies that will help develop and deploy cleaner sources of energy. This funding will be used to provide technical support for developing state energy policies; inform states about how to leverage their research and development investments in advanced energy technologies; advise states about how they can use public assets and procurement policies to foster the use of advanced energy technologies and practices in the private sector; increase states’ resiliency to energy supply disruptions; and promote future state energy policy dialogues and education sessions.

The Securing a Clean Energy Future Initiative was created with the help of DOE funding in 2007. The initiative was developed to promote comprehensive clean energy policies at the state level that use existing energy resources more wisely through efficiency; encourage the use of non-petroleum based fuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel; take reasonable steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and accelerate the research and development of advanced, clean energy technologies. For more information about the Initiative, visit www.nga.org/portal/site/nga/menuitem.751b186f65e10b568a278110501010a0/?vgnextoid=f080dd9ebe318110VgnVCM1000001a01010aRCRD.

Publication date:07/28/2008