ARLINGTON, VA — Paul Stalknecht, executive vice president and ceo of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), has announced a reorganization of internal staffing responsibilities to improve service to its membership.

In unveiling the new staff structure, Stalknecht said, “The realities of today’s environment in both the association arena and particularly the hvacr industry demanded that we examine how we were structured. Our priorities are to deliver cutting-edge programs, products, and services to our members at the national and chapter level, and to enhance ACCA’s presence in the industry. To do this, we had to have a staff structure that drives those priorities.”

The staff has been grouped into major functional areas designed to better serve the needs of ACCA members, noted Stalknecht. The Public Policy Department headed by staff vice president John Herzog will focus on federal, state, and local issues, regulatory agencies, and the association’s political action committee.

One of Stalknecht’s first initiatives after coming aboard the organization earlier this year was to create the new Federation Relations Department. This department is headed by Jeanne Cooper and will implement the new chapter restructuring initiative as well as develop programs and services to better serve chapters.

The Programs and Operations Department will be run by senior staff vice president Michael Honeycutt and will include the management of MIX Group® services, communications and public relations, conferences, education and training, finance, and information systems and technology.

Charita Wade Tucker will serve as director of human resources and executive assistant to Stalknecht.

Chris Hoelzel, formerly director of marketing and publications, has been promoted to vice president of business development and marketing, and will lead membership recruitment and retention, as well as manage association products and education publications, sponsorships and conference exhibits, and member affinity programs.

A newly formed Management Committee headed by Honeycutt includes Cooper, Herzog, Hoelzel, and Tucker, who will report to Stalknecht on day-to-day operations and long-term strategic plans.

This reorganization demonstrates a “reenergized and refocused ACCA,” stated Stalknecht. “In order to deliver first-class services to members and keep ACCA positioned in the industry, we must have a structure that allows staff to operate at top-level capacity. That structure is now in place to move ACCA forward.”

The association represents approximately 9,000 contractors nationwide through its federation of 60 state and local chapters.

Sidebar: ACCA to Help AZ Boys & Girls Clubs

PHOENIX, AZ — The Arizona Chapter of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) has agreed to help in the air conditioning renovation of a Phoenix branch of the Boys & Girls Club. Plans for the reno-vation include 80 tons of pack-aged air conditioning units, ductwork, and air distribution.

Although several companies have signed on to help with the project, including Kunka Engineering, the Weitz Co., Climatec, and Lennox, the organization would like to enlist more volunteers before the work is set to commence in August.

For more information on the project, call 602-242-6336 or visit (website).

Publication date: 05/28/2001