An integrated human resources module has been designed to meet the needs of construction companies. It handles issues such as pay rates and benefits, safety, workers’ compensation, training, drug testing, and skills certification. Information is entered into this module and is shared with Forefront’s other modules as required. The human resources module is fully integrated with Forefront’s document imaging capability. Paper documents such as applications, performance reviews, drug and skills testing results, and accident reports are scanned into Forefront, where they are automatically attached to specific events and employees. User-defined software triggers automate specific actions such as e-mail notifications and updates to data fields for such things as empty vacation hour banks and license and certification dates expiration.

Dexter + Chaney, Attn: Brad Mathews, 9700 Lake City Way N.E., Seattle, WA 98115-2347; 800-875-1400 or 206-364-1400; 206-367-9613 (fax);;

eProduct #187