LAMA Books recently introduced its “Airflow in Ducts Power Point Presentation,” a CD with eight separate lesson packages designed to be an easy-to-understand program on airflow in ducts. The accompanying binder is designed for instructors to help students become active participants in learning, not just passive observers.

The package includes instructor notes for each PowerPoint slide, with items to discuss and questions and problems for students. Answers are included. It also has reproducible review for each lesson that can be used as group exercise or a test. Answers to the review items are included. Where calculations are required, the complete calculation is included for reference.

The PowerPoint presentation includes eight topics: basics of airflow, calculating duct sizes, air quantity and velocity, pressures in a duct, airflow in a duct and dynamic losses, sizing ductwork, calculating pressure losses in a duct, and duct fittings.

For more information, call 888-452-6244, or go online at

Publication date:06/23/2008