Emerson Climate Technologies Inc. has begun airing an HVAC market-themed podcast series, “HVAC On-Air.”
The podcasts feature HVAC construction experts and contractors discussing industry issues with a consumer and contractor focus.
Planned consumer-oriented titles in the series include “Repair vs. Replace,” discussing issues related service and longevity of home HVAC market systems, and “What Homeowners Should Consider When Purchasing a System,” featuring Chandra Gollapudi talking about what homeowners should consider when making an HVAC sales purchase.
Contractor-themed podcasts include “Regulatory Issues,” featuring Tim Cropp, president of CroppMetcalfe, and Vince Gillette, president of Gillette Air Conditioning, talking about HVAC construction industry rules and their effects on HVAC market businesses. And “Future Trends in HVAC” has Bobby Ring, president and CEO of Meyer and Depew Co., to talk about industry recruiting, the connected home and technology trends.