Featuring television star Tony Danza, “Teach: Tony Danza” will chronicle the actor’s year as a full-time 10th grade English teacher at Northeast High School in Philadelphia. It premiered Oct. 1.

HVAC equipment maker Lennox Industries is sponsoring a seven-part reality series on cable TV channel A&E.

Featuring television star Tony Danza, “Teach: Tony Danza” will chronicle the actor’s year as a full-time 10th grade English teacher at Northeast High School in Philadelphia.

Prior to staring in series such as “Taxi” and “Who’s the Boss,” Danza earned a degree in history education.

Lennox’s equipment will be featured in a future episode, said Denise Ernst, director of commercial marketing for the company.

“For years, we’ve worked with K-12 and college administrators to create better, more sustainable learning environments so this opportunity was a natural for us,” Ernst said. “While I can’t reveal exactly what we’ll be doing with the show, it’s a role that will benefit students and teachers, and one we feel good about.”

More information about the show is available at itsofficial website.