Out of the 12 print issues of SNIPS magazine we produce a year, our big industry Buyers Guide is arguably our most important. Inside you'll find more than 200 company listings for HVAC tool and instruments we feel represent the best products and services our industry has to offer.

In the process, we talk with owners, CEOs, and they share their company’s vision. And during these conversations, the most important thing we do is listen. It builds upon our understanding of the HVAC industry, and in turn creates a better Buyers Guide that will help you build your business.

In the realm of business-to-business publications, buyers guides harken back to a time before the internet search engine, when finding the right manufacturer or supplier meant a phone call and a face-to-face meeting. With so many resources available now online, you’d be right to question the need for a “buyers guide” in this day and digital age. But you’d be wrong to think that you can get the same quality of information from a Google search.

Simply put: our Buyers Guide carries cachet. We’ve made the calls, checked the sources and confirmed the decision-makers to put everything you need into a comprehensive industry context. 

Sign up for a free digital subscription to SNIPS magazine to get your copy of our annual Buyers Guide delivered directly to your inbox. Keep the guide close, and it will be the sharpest tool in your toolbox.