Do you want to improve your HVAC and refrigeration business? As a technician, do you want to advance in your company and/or learn new skills?

If the answer is yes, then I don’t want to hear any excuses because the help you need is just a few clicks away. Type in a few words on Google or Yahoo search and a huge information resource library opens for you.

Even better … click on Archived Editorial in the left column and you can pick and choose from over 20,000 articles and hundreds of business management, technical or service articles. All it takes is a few key words. If you don’t find everything you need in an article, it will probably lead you to another article or reference a Website.

Take it one step further and click on Learning Center in the left column and, voila, you have instant access to several online courses that can be taken by an individual technician or with a phone call or two a contractor principal can start his own company-wide training program.

In case you were going to use the “I don’t have time” excuse, online learning takes place when you want and where you want because it’s available 24/7! No more excuses!

Let the learning process begin.