As part of its Women in the Trades program, the Dwyer Group has awarded scholarships to three women — two of whom are studying HVAC — for the fall 2017 semester.
The program was launched five years ago by the Dwyer Group and company co-chair Dina Dwyer-Owens to educate and promote the hiring of women for traditionally male-dominated roles in the skilled trades. The scholarships are available to women working or studying toward a career in the trades, or to frontline employees at franchise locations for any of Dwyer Group’s service brands.
“The opportunities are endless, and twice a year WITT scholarship recipients reinforce that desire for ways to advance in the profession,” Dwyer-Owens said. “The three women who have received our latest Women in the Trades scholarships are an inspiration to us all at Dwyer Group.”
Scholarship recipients Karen Dahlin of Minneapolis and Yolanda Rodriguez of Crest Hill, Illinois, are working toward careers in HVAC.
“There are so many opportunities for women to be successful in the service industry,” Dwyer-Owens said. “The need for more skilled tradespeople has grown tremendously, and we are confident that with the support of the WITT scholarships, these women can make great strides within the trade industry of their choice.”