ASHRAE is looking for presenters and presentations for its summer HVAC market meeting.
The event will take place June 25-29 in St. Louis. Tom Kuehn, the HVAC construction conference program chairman, said it will feature several new topics.
“A new ‘smart building systems’ track for this conference addresses the revolution in information technology applied to the built environment,” Kuehn said. “Weather and time-of-day utility rate forecasting, distributed sensors and remote monitoring and control are all included in the track. Topics key to personal success are included in the “professional skills beyond engineering’ track. Programs describing advances in refrigeration technology are given special emphasis and other tracks cover more conventional topics.”
The society is looking for programs in these HVAC construction and green HVAC subjects:
●Advances in refrigeration systems and alternative refrigerants
●Fundamentals and applications
●HVAC market systems and equipment
●Smart building systems/remote monitoring and diagnostics
●Indoor environment: health, comfort, productivity
●Professional skills beyond engineering;
●Renewable energy systems and zero energy building.
Submissions are being accepted through Feb. 8. Go to this website for details.