Got air?

Got heat?

Got a strong national slogan for the HVACR industry?

Let’s hear ‘em. Post your thoughts on the subject accordingly.

It would be great if this much-needed industry (hey, everyone needs to be cool inside, warm inside, and refrigeration, right?) could duplicate the successful American advertising campaign created by the advertising agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners for the California Milk Processor Board in 1993, which was later licensed for use by milk processors and dairy farmers. The slogan “Got Milk?”, introduced to encourage the purchase of cow’s milk, has been running since October 1993 and the campaign is credited with putting life back into milk sales nationwide after a 20-year slump.

The slogan hit its stride when it was licensed to the National Milk Processor Board (MilkPEP) in 1998 to use on their celebrity print ads, which included celebrities from the fields of sports, media and entertainment – heck, from The Simpsons to Batman – posing in print advertisements sporting a milk mustache.

According to the, the campaign has over 90 percent awareness in the United States and the tag line has been licensed to dairy boards across the United States since 1995.

You would think this industry could produce such a successful campaign. Heaven knows such a campaign would help this industry. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to have Carmen Electra hawking some line for HVACR? To catch the eye of women, maybe it’s better that Tom Cruise (or…who?) do the talking?

The possibilities are endless. However, first things first. I want to know what you truly believe to be a strong campaign phrase/slogan for a national HVACR campaign.