The Reliance MD60 microdrive offers V/Hz operation from 1/4 to 5 hp. The drives are available in 115-, 230-, and 460-VAC ratings, and feature a built-in LED display and keypad. A finger-safe IP20 enclosure is standard, with an option to modify it with a NEMA 1 kit addition which allows for a conduit connection. The unit also has an internal dynamic brake circuitry for use with externally mounted resistors. Out-of-the-box performance features include good, low-speed torque generation and constant torque over a 40:1 speed range.

Rockwell Automation, 6040 Ponders Ct., Greenville, SC 29615; 864-281-2171; 864-281-2433 (fax); (website).

eProduct #190