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Money Machine

“Money Machine.” How about that for an appealing headline? Fifty-eight percent ofNEWSreaders remembered seeing Rotobrush’s ad due, in part, to that all-important headline.

“By considering our own successful customer base, we realized thatThe NEWStargeted an audience of readers that were a perfect fit for air duct cleaning,” explained Jessica Spinozzi, vice president of direct marketing for Rotobrush. “Creating the ad was a matter of considering what we knew was important to HVAC specialists from working with them and listening to them, and conveying that visually and verbally.”

Of course, taking home money is a contractor’s No. 1 goal. Rotobrush went the next step in its ad by providing a testimony from a real, live contractor, Rick Nees. And, this certainly helped.

“For an HVAC professional to get into air duct cleaning, they have to understand the opportunity for them. This ad provided an attention-getting testimonial from an HVAC contractor, likeThe NEWS’readers, who found success with Rotobrush. It’s relatable,” said Spinozzi. “Readers could quickly read the testimonial and understand how air duct cleaning could help them with gaining more replacements, their core business. The ad also featured the equipment, which is completely portable.

“HVAC contractors are drawn to the opportunity when they can see the equipment is easy to use and understand how it works for their business. This ad accomplished showing both of these factors.”

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Publication date:12/11/2006