While I agree that heat pumps do move heat from one location to another, I strongly disagree with the premise that air-source and geothermal heat pumps are not renewable-energy heat sources.
With a nod to its surroundings, The Carneros Inn was conceptualized in 1998 to incorporate natural beauty while ensuring sustainability through a number of ecologically minded design and construction principles.
The GeoComfort® Compass Series geothermal outdoor split system can be installed in new and existing homes. The space-saving footprint makes it an excellent choice for homes with minimal space for mechanical equipment, said the company.
Just when Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO) president Doug Dougherty thought Congress had passed a bill recognizing geothermal heat pumps as renewable energy sources, it was taken away.
The refrigerator is actually a heat pump, as the method of operation is identical apart from one difference: Heat is extracted from the refrigerator and discharged into the surroundings, whereas the heat pump uses the thermal energy in the surroundings for heating purposes.
It was a good year for geothermal, and much of that credit must go to Doug Dougherty and his staff at the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO). Well, if you can call the 1.5 people working for the GEO president and CEO his “staff.” Those accomplishments are the reason Dougherty was named a 2012 NEWSmaker.
“We aren’t green, we’re gold.” That was the message being sent from speakers and trainers at the 2012 International Ground Source Heat Pump Association’s (IGSHPA’s) technical conference and expo. What else happened at the conference?
YWCA Toronto recently completed construction of the YWCA Elm Centre, an $80 million, 302-unit affordable and supportive permanent housing complex for women and women-led families. What went into this project?
The Tranquility® 22 Two-Stage Compact (TY) Series water-source heat pumps exceed ASHRAE 90.1 efficiencies with two-stage operation. They also use EarthPure® (HFC-410A) zero ozone depletion refrigerant. They are available in sizes 2 through 5 tons with multiple cabinet options (vertical upflow and horizontal).
In 2002, the board authorized the construction of a 25,000-square-foot county conservation learning center using a geothermal cooling and heating system. How did it turn out?