“The installation went extremely well, and the units have been working without fail through the first year of the facility being in use,” said Project Manager Parker Touchton.
In a partnership with 45 school districts, the University of Colorado Boulder, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, and Attune has deployed the Attune indoor air quality (IAQ) systems in 369 school buildings across Colorado.
In a partnership with 45 school districts, the University of Colorado Boulder, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, and Attune has deployed the Attune indoor air quality (IAQ) systems in 369 school buildings across Colorado.
In many data centers, water-cooled chillers are paired with an open- or closed-circuit cooling tower for heat rejection. Other options include dry coolers, hybrid fluid coolers, and adiabatic fluid coolers.
Recent studies show that Improved air quality in classrooms has demonstrated an increase in test scores by 14%, increase attendance by 11% (classrooms with better air quality yield fewer sick days), and a 20% increase in attention span longevity.
New to the east side of Colorado Springs is UCHealth’s Eastview Medical Center, with three stories and 125,000 square feet of health care space. The third floor is where things get more interesting. This area is occupied by six operating rooms, where humidity and pressure are carefully controlled.
Founded in 1821 with a focus on liberal arts, Amherst College has seen an 85% increase in enrolments in STEM classes during the past 15 years. Consequently, a new Science Center opened in the fall of 2018 that embraces sustainability.