Julian Scadden
Julian Scadden

When you hold training in your HVAC business from technical to soft skills, there is one aspect that is often overlooked and it is one of the most important. The way we practice our skill is how we will perform. 

Think back to how many times you had to diagnose a refrigerant leak. The more you performed this diagnosis, the more confident and proficient you became. That came from repetition. The same is true for everything from customer interactions, sales presentations, to filling out paperwork. 

When training your staff, take time to focus on the precision of the practice and give them plenty of repetitions. Also follow up by going out on calls with them to see their training in action. Too many times a trainer will introduce a concept and expect the team to be able to execute based on theory alone. Give your team time to practice what they have learned. Remember — you will perform how you practice and so will your team.