On July 1, 2003, Louisiana House Bill 1328 was signed into law by Governor Mike Foster, requiring licensing of mold remediators.

Prior to this time, Louisiana has been “plagued by unlicensed operations and has had no regulation of mold remediation services or oversight by a government body or other agency,” according to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). The new law gives the State Board of Licensing for Contractors a wide scope of authority, and sets minimum standards for parties applying for the license, including such factors as minimum age, education, insurance, and net worth requirements as a protection to consumers.

Fines of $2,000 for first-time violations and up to $10,000 per incident for subsequent violations will be imposed on parties not following the mold remediation training and general operating procedures set forth under the law, as well as for any attempt (negligent or otherwise) to deceive or defraud the general public or violate any standard of conduct as adopted by the board in implementing the law.

The act is effective as of August 15, 2003, but the actual implementation and deadlines for licensing are not required until July 1, 2004.

Publication date: 08/11/2003