ARLINGTON, Va. - The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) has published the 2004 edition of itsStatistical Profile. The publication provides statistical data on various categories of information relating to the air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration industry.

"The Statistical Profile is a useful publication for people interested in information and trends in the HVACR industry," said Dave Martz, ARI vice president of Administration and Statistics. "This document contains a wealth of information drawn from a wide range of sources, in addition to our own collected data."

The publication provides information from various private and government agencies, including the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Historical data, along with current year data, is supplied.

The Statistical Profile includes information in the following categories:

  • People - numbers of workers, salaries and breakouts;

  • Finance - number of manufacturing establishments, capital expenditures, shipment values, and price indexes;

  • Equipment - shipments of unitary air conditioners and air-source heat pumps, shipment of weighted SEERs, large tonnage chillers, room air conditioners, and gas furnaces; and

  • Distribution - houses with central air conditioning and heating, mobile homes, automobiles, and the saturation of air conditioning in new construction.

    The Statistical Profile is available on ARI's Web site at, and is free for ARI members to download. Non-members can order a copy by visiting ARI's online bookstore at

    Publication date: 10/18/2004