BEIJING - At the request of AMCA International members, a meeting was held with the China Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (CRAA), and Hefei General Machinery Product Inspection Institute (GMPI) exploring the possibility of expanding the AMCA Certified Ratings Program (CRP) in China.

A separate meeting was also held with the Korea Machinery-Meter and Petrochemical Testing and Research Institute (MPI) on the same topic in Korea.

According to AMCA, building two additional independent accredited labs would create a level playing field for fair competition, and help prevent the establishment of two certification schemes requiring their own testing and rating processes and costs.

There are 54 AMCA International members in Asia. The AMCA Seal would allow Chinese and Korean members to sell anywhere outside of China and Korea, especially in rapidly growing economies in Asia.

Publication date: 10/03/2005