Belonging to the Signature™ Collection, the HSX19 air conditioner and HPX19 heat pump use R-410A. The two-stage compressor runs at low stage most of the time. For higher humidity control, these units can be paired with the SignatureStat™ Home Comfort Control, which can remove up to 75 gallons of water per day, the company says. The HSX19 has an efficiency rating of up to 19.2 SEER. The HPX19 has an efficiency rating of up to 18.6 SEER and 9.3 HSPF. Noise-reduction features include a patent-pending fan design, compressor with new vibration insulators, a new sound-dampening fan grille, and a Hushtone® cabinet.

Lennox Industries, P.O. Box 799900, Dallas, TX 75379; 800-453-6669;

eProduct #191