The Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) has written to the federal Office of Energy Efficiency (OEE) requesting that the federal energy efficiency regulation be revised to harmonize with the recent decision in the U.S. to move to a 13 SEER minimum efficiency level for residential air conditioning and heat pump equipment by January 2006. In his letter to Office of Energy Efficiency Director of Housing and Equipment Louis Marmen, HRAI President Warren Heeley stressed the need to have one efficiency level and implementation date for this equipment in Canada and the US.

A response from Director Marmen was received in May stating that OEE was currently looking at the feasibility of the U.S. levels and "it is our expectation that Canada will harmonize with the U.S. levels." His letter went on to state that OEE was also looking at the need for reporting EER levels as part of the regulation. In Heeley's response to Director Marmen, he stated the serious concerns that the industry has about EER ratings and requested the opportunity to meet with OEE to present the industry's position on this matter. A meeting will be scheduled in the near future.

For more information, contact Warren Heeley at 800-267-2231 or e-mail

Publicaiton date: 07/05/2004