The technology for the PredatIR PTR1 is based on stationary infrared leak detection systems used to monitor large refrigeration systems 24/7. It is the first hand-held infrared refrigerant leak detector on the market, says the company. The refrigerant leak detector has an optical filter to detect all refrigerant gases, minimizing false alarms, states the company. According to the manufacturer, the internal infrared detector won’t be damaged if the probe encounters moisture. The detector has three sensitivity settings with visual and audible leak detection indicators; the small leak sensitivity is less than 0.10 ounces per year. The PTR1 outfit includes the PredatIR leak detector, a 120-VAC battery charger, spare tip filters and O-rings, fitted carrying case, and operating manual. Optional probe extensions and vehicle outlet charger are available.

Uniweld Products Inc., 2850 Ravenswood Rd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312-4994; 800-323-2111; 954-587-0109 (fax);;

eProduct #193