The company has a line of HVAC tapes with acrylic adhesives designed for use in cold weather. These products, 3520CW plain foil tape, 1599B flex duct tape, and 1525CW FSK tape, can be used in temperatures as low as -35 degrees F. The 3520CW is used for vapor sealing fiberglass ductboard and sheet metal ducts. The 1599B tape is used mainly for sealing flexible air ducts, air connectors, as well as securing flex ducts to duct wrap facings. The 1525CW tape is used principally as a vapor seal on FSK-faced fiberglass duct board and blanket systems.

Venture Tape Corp., 30 Commerce Rd., P.O. Box 384, Rockland, MA 02370-0384; 781-331-5900 or 800-343-1076 (U.S.) or 800-544-1024 (Canada); 781-871-0065 (fax);;

eProduct #196