ARLINGTON, Va. — The Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) recently modified three standards and one guideline. ARI Standard 210/240-2003, “Unitary Air Conditioning and Air Source Heat Pump Equipment,” ARI Standard 365-2002, “Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air Conditioning Units,” and ARI Guideline A-2003, “Energy Management Systems and Load Management Through Duty Cycling,” have been revised.

ARI also announced that an addendum has been added to ARI Standard 400-2001, “Liquid to Liquid Heat Exchangers.” This standard establishes definitions, test requirements, rating requirements, minimum data requirements for published ratings, marketing and nameplate data, and conformance conditions for liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers. These standards and guideline are available for free download at the ARI website,

Publication date: 07/21/2003