WASHINGTON, DC —National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors (NAW) chairman Grady Rosier and NAW president Dirk Van Dongen participated recently in the national economic forum held by President Bush at Baylor University in Waco, TX.

The forum was convened by the president to hear directly from a cross-section of stakeholders in the economy, from small business owners to union leaders to CEOs. The vice president and several members of the president’s cabinet were also in attendance.

During the conference, Rosier urged the administration to focus on what it does best.

“We’re obviously in very challenging times,” he said. “The administration should continue to focus on what the government can do best — provide clear leadership, and ensure that everyone can trust the markets.”

Rosier also said that it is “vitally important the federal spending be managed and controlled. Present circumstances encourage the natural political tendency to throw federal dollars at all problems, real and imagined. This is not what the economy needs, nor what business wants. Fiscal responsibility is critical at a time like this, and we strongly endorse the president’s commitment to fiscal prudence.”

During the conference, Rosier suggested that tax provisions enacted by the president last year should be made permanent, and he cautioned against government going too far in response to corporate corruption.

“Put the crooks behind bars,” he said. “Require the truth in corporation reporting. Our system must require transparency and accountability, but don’t stifle risk-taking or the entrepreneur.”

Publication date: 08/19/2002