The VaporStream electric humidifier has been redesigned completely. According to the manufacturer, the new controller, VaporLogic3®, has new capabilities, such as a temperature sensor that enables the controller to hold water at a preset temperature to allow a rapid response to a call for humidity, the company states. The unit also features data reports to monitor humidifier performance, easy-to-navigate intuitive menus, easy-to-read backlit display, and a real-time clock that allows time-stamped alarm tracking and the ability to program draining for preset times. The humidifier has a wide range of heater size and staging options, the manufacturer says.

Dri-Steem Humidifier Co., 14949 Technology Dr., Eden Prairie, MN 55344; 952-949-2415; 952-229-3200 (fax); (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #198