Two new series of durable heat-cool and heat pump ptac’s (packaged terminal air conditioners) are quiet, energy efficient, and can be used in all facets of the hospitality industry, healthcare, and other institutional facilities, says the company. The 52P Premier units offer an energy efficiency ratio (EER) up to 12.6, while the 52C Comfort Series units have an EER of 11.1. Both units feature a two-stage condensate removal system. All 52P and 52C Series models are available in capacities ranging from 7,000 to 15,000 Btu’s, and are designed to fit most industry-standard 42-in. by 16-in. wall sleeves.

Carrier Corp., attn: Suzanne Wilson Davis, P.O. Box 4808, Carrier Parkway, Syracuse, NY 13221; 800-227-7437; contact.carrier (e-mail); (website).

eProduct #181
