The company offers three multifunctional controllers for hvac systems. The Marvel II digital, programmable controller is an easy-to-use environmental control system, says the manufacturer. Designed to maintain temperature, humidity, and dehumidification, the unit will automatically recirculate air within the conditioned space. The touch-pad TPC digital controller is for use on the company’s Verticool and Verticool SS Space Saver packaged air- or water-cooled heat pump or chilled-water units. A wall-mount digital thermostat control, the WMC, is also available.

United CoolAir Corp., attn: Jeff Cook, 491 E. Princess St., York, PA 17403; 877-905-1111 or 717-843-4311; 717-854-4462 (fax); (e-mail); (website). eProduct #182

Publication date: 11/20/2000
