Two new pumps - UPS26-99 and UPS43-44 - have been added to the SuperBrute wet rotor circulator pump line. The three-pump SuperBrute team now replaces 37 competitive circulators, according to the manufacturer. The pumps' three-speed motor, which can be field-set on high, medium, or low, makes it possible to adjust the circulator to fit almost any need. The UPS26-99 fits applications requiring higher head and the UPS43-44 was developed for uses requiring lower head with higher flow. The wide choice in operating range allows the SuperBrute to replace many single-speed models. Pumps include an integrated, removable check valve for minimal friction loss, making it an ideal choice for zoning hydronic heating systems because it eliminates backflow from adjacent zone pumps, says the company. The pumps have excellent starting torque and are fully compatible with glycol mixtures. Wire nuts are not required with the pump's quick-connect terminals.

Grundfos Pump Corp., 17100 W. 118th Terrace, Olathe, KS 66061; 913-227-3400; 913-227-3500; (fax);

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