Company: Samsung HVAC

Product: AR9500M

Description: This heat pump has integrated Samsung’s Wind-Free™ cooling technology into its design. The AR9500M maintains the desired room temperature, using Wind-Free Cooling to gently disperse cold air through 21,000 micro air holes. A two-step cooling system, which first lowers temperatures in Fast Cooling Mode, automatically switches to Wind-Free Cooling mode, which creates still air once the desired temperature is reached. Using the Digital Inverter 8-Pole with POWERboost technology, the motor of the Wind-Free wall-mounted unit generates fewer torque fluctuations, reducing the overall energy required and shortening the time needed for the compressor to reach its maximum speed. The unit is also Wi-Fi enabled, so it can be controlled from anywhere through Samsung’s Smart Home App.

Contact: 817-838-6066;;

eProduct 182

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