Company: Vertiflo Pump Co.

Product: Model 700

Description: The Model 700 industrial vertical non-clog waste ejector pump is used for service in industrial wastes, sanitary wastes, process wastes, and rendering wastes. It is designed for long life in tough services with heads to 100 feet total dynamic head (TDH) and flows to 1,500 gallons per minute (gpm). The impeller is a fully enclosed, two-vane, non-clog design with wiping vanes that reduce axial loading and prolong bearing life. Wiping vanes aid in keeping particles from behind the impeller and pump-bearing assembly. The impeller is secured to the shaft by taper fit with a woodruff key/nut. There is a flanged discharge on all sizes. Designed specifically for solids handling, the 700 Series incorporates a long-radius elbow, which reduces friction loss and allows smooth flow through the discharge pipe. The 700 Series has a high-thrust angular contact ball bearing, external impeller adjustment, and grease-lubricated pump and line shaft bearings.

Contact: 513-530-0888,;

eProduct 183

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