Electric Power MetersThe WattNode Revenue line of electric power meters are designed for use in applications requiring revenue-grade accuracy. The meters meet the accuracy requirements of ANSI C12.1 and C12.20 Class 0.5, and support Modbus, BACnet, or LonTalk® communications protocol. They are used in building automation and energy management systems, and offer a networkable solution for electric power metering. The electric power meters are optimized for tenant submetering in residential and commercial spaces, photovoltaic energy-generation metering, utility monitoring and control systems metering on military bases, and more. The WattNode Revenue meters are designed for 120/208/240-vac and 277/480-vac applications. Each meter is calibrated using NIST-traceable equipment following the procedures specified by ANSI C12 metering standards, and is supplied with a certificate of calibration. In addition to revenue-grade, bidirectional-energy (kWh) metering, the networkable meters provide additional measurements, including bidirectional power, demand, peak demand, reactive power, voltage, current, power factor, and line frequency. The WattNode Revenue Logger for LonWorks can store 12 weeks of five-minute readings.

Continental Control Systems LLC
sales@ ccontrolsys.com

eProduct 187