ATLANTA — The Control Trends Awards (CTA), which recognize leading companies, products, technology, and individuals in the building automation and HVAC controls industry, announced that the Control Trends Academy, the global member governing body overseeing the awards and official nominating committee, is forming a steering committee of industry leaders to help preside over the awards. The CTA committee members include Jim Sinopoli, founder, Smart Buildings LLC; Ken Sinclair, publisher and owner,; Rob
Murchison, founder and partner, Intelligent Buildings LLC; Heather Deal, independent marketing consultant, HD Resources; and Marc Petock, industry leader and evangelist.

Eric Stromquist, Stromquist & Co., and Ken Smyers, Edward C. Smyers Co., have been named CTA co-chairs.

“The response to the Control Trends Awards continues to be overwhelming, and it is exciting to be able to contribute a much needed and desired dimension to our industry,” said Stromquist.

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Publication date: 11/5/2012