HTP/HTProducts appApp Name:HTP/HTProducts

Company: Heat Transfer Products (HTP)

Platforms: iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry

Release Date: November 2011

Cost: Free

Available for download at: iTunes, Android Market, BlackBerry App World

Description: Designed with convenience in mind, the HTP mobile application gives contractors access to essential tools for any HTP product installation. Contractors may use the app to view the latest parts drawings, installation manuals, images, specifications, videos, and more. In addition, users can locate the nearest sales representative or contact HTP directly for technical support or a sales quote.

“We understand the benefits of integrating technology into today’s business. Convenience is our goal, and these are our first steps in achieving that goal.”
— Todd Romig, vice president of sales and marketing, HTP

Publication date: 6/11/2012