vapor charging deviceThe patent-pending VaporVue is a visible vapor charging device that absorbs heat naturally and flashes the liquid refrigerant from the cylinder and charges into the system as a vapor. Connecting the charging device to the low side of a charging manifold will increase the charging rate up to eight times faster, and the liquid is controlled by adjusting the manifold valve and monitoring the vapor rate through the double sight glass, claims the company. The VaporVue is factory pressure-tested at 8,900 psi and can be used to charge any commercial refrigeration system and residential air conditioning system using R-410A, CFC, HCFC and HFC, zeotropic, and azeotropic refrigerants without danger of liquid slugging and destroying the compressor, the company says. Placing the manifold and VaporVue over hot discharge airflow of the condensing unit will increase the heat exchange and charging rate efficiency.

Uniweld Products Inc.
800-323-2111 or 954-584-2000

eProduct 193