CHANTILLY, Va. — The Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) has announced that its newBuilding Systems Analysis and Retrofit Manual, 2nd edition, is now available.

According to SMACNA, the updated guide will assist in developing new business strategies targeting the renovation of existing buildings. Regulations forcing the change out of refrigerants and codes mandating stricter ventilation requirements, coupled with the federal government’s Better Buildings directive requiring improved energy efficiency of existing commercial buildings by 20 percent by 2020, offer new business opportunities.

Owners interested in urban redevelopment and low-cost entry into a green building will also find the content useful, said SMACNA. Current green codes and standards discourage new land development unless the property is near public transportation. Existing buildings typically are located near public transportation making retrofitting the existing property more attractive. These green drivers combined with basic economic factors produce a compelling incentive for many prospective building owners to choose renovation of existing buildings.

The 144-page publication provides methods to assess the major energy-using elements of an existing building — HVACR, plus electrical (lighting and motors). It provides detailed guidance on how to develop a plan to reduce energy and water usage, beginning with a walk-through audit that can be expanded to total building commissioning. Methods discussed include using automation systems and controls, envelope improvements for roof and exterior wall systems, strategies to control energy demand including thermal energy storage, and HVAC system selection.

SMACNA members have received a free copy notification. Members also may purchase additional copies of the Building Systems Analysis and Retrofit Manual, 2nd edition, for $18–hard copy, $21–CD-ROM, $29–CD-ROM/Hard Copy Combo, and $18–PDF download.

Non-member prices for the hard copy are $86 discounted price and $124 for list price; CD-ROM: $104 discounted price, $150 list price; CD-ROM/Hard Copy Combo: $177 discounted, $205 list, and PDF download: $86 discounted, $124 list.

To order, visit the SMACNA Publications Store at, or call SMACNA’s Publications Department at 703-803-2989.

Publication date: 09/26/2011