SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Carrier Corp. has published a new guide for commercial building designers and owners on earning credits toward Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) green building certification. The 2011 edition of its technical paper, Carrier Products and LEED Certification, serves as a blueprint to how high-performance HVAC systems can help building owners earn credits for LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations™ (LEED for New Construction) and LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance™ (LEED for Existing Buildings: O&M) in North America.

The 52-page guide provides an overview of the various LEED credits related to HVAC, and then details how assembling the right HVAC system can help achieve those credits as HVAC systems can impact 40 percent of the available LEED points through two of the six rating point categories — Energy & Atmosphere (EA) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).

“At Carrier, we recognize the responsible balance between the technology we provide today and the world we live in tomorrow,” said Bob McDonough, president, Residential and Commercial Systems, Carrier Corp. “We provide commercial building designers and owners with tools to support their green building designs. Our 2011 LEED guide for HVAC design advances our overall effort to lead the industry in environmental stewardship.”

Carrier noted that, in addition to being a founding member of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Carrier also is a founding member of the Argentina, China, India, Singapore, and France Green Building Councils. The company is a U.S. Green Building Council Education Provider and is working across the globe to facilitate courses and workshops that support LEED-Professional Credentials™, which are offered through the Carrier University Institute for Sustainability. Carrier is also the first company to license USGBC’s LEED curriculum to train its employees and customers in sustainable building solutions.

“Green products start at a green companythat shares its expertise. Our comprehensive LEED HVAC guide will help building professionals transform the marketplace to a more sustainable future,” McDonough said.

To obtain a copy of Carrier Products and LEED Certification, visit

Publication date:08/08/2011