The EZT-180 waterless, in-line condensate line trap by EZ-Trap increases the efficiency of all gravity-drained mini-split air conditioner brands. The straight, transparent 2.75-inch-long trap features a rubber check valve that prevents unconditioned and unfiltered outdoor air infiltration into the mini-split airstream. The check valve also prevents insect access and ambient outdoor odors, e.g., vehicle emissions, fertilizer offgassing, and sewer gas, from entering occupied spaces. The check valve, which is easy to inspect and clean, also makes the EZT-180 a waterless, freeze-resistant, and durable trap fitting. The 5/8-inch-diameter condensate line trap comes with a 9/16-inch-diameter adaptor, which makes it adaptable for fitting into or onto all standard sizes of flexible condensate drain tubing.

Airtec Products Corp., 1244 Davol St., Fall River, MA 02720; 800-324-7832 or 508-675-2669;;