CLEVELAND - Josh Spoores, founder and chief analyst at Steel Reality, has been selected as a keynote speaker for the Spiral Duct Manufacturers Association (SPIDA) annual meeting taking place in San Antonio on April 30.

Spoores will be presenting on the economic factors that drive steel demand and what those factors are forecasting for steel prices going forward. The other keynote speaker will be Clay Clark, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Entrepreneur of the Year.

“Steel is the primary component of spiral ductwork,” said Spoores. “Understanding and anticipating changes in the price of steel has a major financial impact on these manufacturers and my presentation will cover the leading indicators of steel prices.”

SPIDA, a trade association promoting the use of spiral duct as an energy efficient, low cost, quiet source of HVAC, invited Spoores to speak because he closely watches the economic drivers of the steel market. Steel Reality currently publishes reports titled This Week in Steel and a report on Leading Steel Indicators for hundreds of readers.

“It is absolutely imperative for buyers and sellers of steel to use accurate, timely, and forward-looking information to create their own opinions,” said Spoores. “The information driving steel prices can be overwhelming without a proven system to track and review the most important data.”

For more information on the annual SPIDA meeting, visit

Publication date:04/04/2011